Video Content
Written, Directed, and Edited for Oregon Energy Fund
Dr. Martens Presents Concert Series
Concepted, Directed, and Edited for Free Public Wines to showcase your ability to bring wine in a can absolutely anywhere.
Another video I Concepted, Directed, and Edited to celebrate Rosé Day with Free Public Wines.
Written, Directed, and Edited for Red Clouds Collective
Interviewed, Directed, and Edited for Patelco Credit Union
Interviewed, Directed, and Edited for Patelco Credit Union
Interviewed, Directed, and Edited for Patelco Credit Union
Interviewed, Directed, and Edited for Patelco Credit Union
Combatting voter misinformation for the Oregon Secretary of State.
Written for Zoetis Petcare, a Pfizer-owned pet pharmaceutical company to promote pets in the workplace.
One of many fun videos I concepted and scripted for Pats Add Life to promote pet adoption.
A video that’s so bad it’s good that I concepted and scripted for Pats Add Life to promote pet adoption.
Concepted and scripted for Pets Add Life
Concepted and scripted for Pets Add Life
Concepted and scripted for Pets Add Life
Concepted and scripted for Pets Add Life
When Munchkin launched their baby formula created with milk from grass-fed cows, I scripted their launch video to help explain why grass-fed is better.
Want to reduce heart disease, childhood allergies, or depression? Give DOG a try. Scripted for Zoetis Petcare, a pet pharmaceutical company owned by Pfizer.
Want to lower your cholesterol, improve your immune system, and win the respect of your doctor? The answer is furrier than you might think.
Scripted for Found Animals to help them connect to the pet professional community.
Consumer-facing video scripted for Found Animals conveying the importance of microchipping your pet.
One of many animated videos I scripted for Vetstreet, a portal that helps veterinarians easily build and manage their digital presence.