
The Pet Effect

Sure, pets are cute and adorable. But there’s another reason they’re amazing: science. New research says that pets actually make us healthier. My brief: Change the conversation by raising awareness of the real scientific benefits of having pets in your life… oh yeah, and make it fun.


Atlanta on FX

While living in Los Angeles, I was excited for the opportunity to write social posts for one of my favorite TV shows, the Emmy award-winning series Atlanta on the FX Network.

Zoetis Petcare

Zoetis is owned by Pfizer and is the largest pet pharmaceutical company in the world. Before their rebranding, their voice and tone were pretty dull, stale, and product heavy. Of course, selling the product is the end goal, but people buy the products for one reason only – because they love their pets! It was a lot of fun bringing that love of all things furry and four-legged to their social channels.


Generate Life Sciences

Working for Generate Life Sciences and their sub-brands, I was given the opportunity to tap into my inner mama (when in reality, I’m just a dad to three doggos). It was a cool experience to learn about stem cell science, share the knowledge, and add some personality to their social media channels and other marketing materials.